Thursday, February 25, 2010

So much hair, so little time

So this past week has been soo busy! Here's what ive been up to!

Bobbi's Student Service
Langley Fashion Show
Rhiannon's Hair

Bobbi's Student service
For Bobbi's student service I retouched his platinum card and foiled 7OR with 6 red color shots in the fringe and tail. Here's how it turned out!
Langley Fashion show
On Saturday the design team traveled to Langely High School. Every year The Marketing classes put together a huge fashion show for the community. There were 178 models who needed both hair and make up to go along with their theme. I did make up and it was so much fun! I got to meet so many amazing students! And the best part is my fiancé got to come and watch the show with me!
Rhiannons Hair
So my friend Rhi agreed to let me do her hair for my portfolio. She started with black hair. We did a full on platinum card then put 7O+8RO with orange color shots in the fringe, 6RR+6RO with red and orange color shots, and left the neckline platinum as well as a peak-a-boo. Here's how it turned out!

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