Thursday, February 4, 2010

All About Ella!

This past week I sat down with my friend Gabriella Lopez. Ella is a graduate of Paul Mitchell The School Virginia, and I wanted to ask her a few questions about her experience at PMTS and what her next steps are as a graduate.

Q: What made you decide to persue cosmetology and enroll in Paul Mitchell the School Virginia?

Ella: Well I started pursuing Nursing but I really wasn’t feeling it. I'm a really creative person and I knew I wanted to do something with my hands, also being a girly girl I sort of gravitated toward hair. When I found PMTS Virginia I toured, felt its was perfect for me, and enrolled!

Q: What do you think you learned the most At PMTS Virginia?

Ella: Definitely good communication skills! There nothing that can make a haircut go more wrong than not understanding what your client wants. Communication is what's going to keep your clients happy and coming back to you.
Q: What is your favorite thing about Paul Mitchell?

Ella: The culture! The culture of Paul Mitchell is what keeps the staff and clients happy!

Q: What kept you motivated while in school?

Ella: Being able to learn hands on. It helped me visualize the end goal and what I was going to be doing for the rest of my life!

Q: Are you the coolest person ever?

Ella: Yes I am!

Q: If you could go back knowing what you know now and give yourself advice when you started what would it be?


Q: What are your goals now that’s you've graduated?

Ella: To get behind the chair and get busy!

Q: What are you doing to find a job now that you've graduated?

Ella: Looking everywhere and just getting my name out.

Q: Any last advice for prospective future professionals?

Ella: Check it out! Its an awesome place!

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