Thursday, April 1, 2010

So many events!!!

So I have had so many events going on the past few weeks I couldn't write my blog : ( but now I'm back and ready to let you guys know what's been going on at school!

Princess Night!
princess night is when moms and their little ones come for a night of royalty and glitter! for $10 little princesses get a manicure, make up, an up do fit for a queen, and a photo with Cinderella (Kelly from admissions). it was a crazy night filled with cranky 4 year-olds and impatient mothers but we raised over $2600 for our charities! Style Wars!
the biggest fundraiser of the year is coming up! style wars! it’s a huge fashion show and raffle for future professionals and the public! this years theme is Tim Burrton's Alice in Wonderland! I decided to do my model inspired by the riddle the mad hatter repeats to Alice multiple time throughout the movie, Why is a Raven like a Writing desk. Ill post pictures up next week!

Phase Two field trip!
This past Thursday our phase two team took a field trip in Corcoran, an art museum and school in Washington DC. Our objective was to find an art piece, and create a block color or creative cut inspired by the art piece. after the museum we walked to the Washington monument and took silly pictures, and there was even a foot race to the monument!

March Graduation
So Geneva and I were in church of the March Graduation which was 1940's pin up. But, Geneva had graduated before the actual graduation so there was little me in charge! Not only did I need to get the stylist and models organize, but decorations needed to be put up, food had to be set out, programs needed to be printed, and to top all of that off, I was a stylist for my teacher, Erica AND a model. It was super stressful but the graduation was a hit! All the models looked beautiful and everything went fairly smoothly. Everyone said it was the best one yet!

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Edgar's Hair

So once again I did someone's hair but this time it was Edgar!

first we did an all over platinum card, once we had him lifted to a level 9-10. We applied a toner using 9A+9P in The Color with 20 volume developer for 35 minutes.

For the block coloring, we did a 1/2 inch section in the front of the mohawk in the front and an inch section in the tail with a mixture of blue and green ink works to make a teal blue.

It turned out awesome!

stay tuned for more next week!

Thursday, February 25, 2010

So much hair, so little time

So this past week has been soo busy! Here's what ive been up to!

Bobbi's Student Service
Langley Fashion Show
Rhiannon's Hair

Bobbi's Student service
For Bobbi's student service I retouched his platinum card and foiled 7OR with 6 red color shots in the fringe and tail. Here's how it turned out!
Langley Fashion show
On Saturday the design team traveled to Langely High School. Every year The Marketing classes put together a huge fashion show for the community. There were 178 models who needed both hair and make up to go along with their theme. I did make up and it was so much fun! I got to meet so many amazing students! And the best part is my fiancé got to come and watch the show with me!
Rhiannons Hair
So my friend Rhi agreed to let me do her hair for my portfolio. She started with black hair. We did a full on platinum card then put 7O+8RO with orange color shots in the fringe, 6RR+6RO with red and orange color shots, and left the neckline platinum as well as a peak-a-boo. Here's how it turned out!

Thursday, February 18, 2010

Smells Like Team Spirit

So this week I thought id fill you in on the various teams available at Paul Mitchell the School that you can participate in.

Design Team
This team is a admissions tool to recruit Prospective Future Proffessionals. We do hair and make up for fashion shows, parades and plays. We go to high schools for career fairs and also run day camps where high school students come, tour the school, and move through stations where we teach them to foil, cut, and roll perms.

Be Nice, or Else!
This team is based off of the book written by Wynn Claybaugh, Dean of Paul Mitchell schools. All events for Be Nice or Else are for charities and helping out the community. We hold cut-a-thons, princess nights, bake sales, and theme nights to help raise money for charity.

Student Council
Student Council is what you would think, Organizing events for students and raising funds for graduations, and other social events for students.

Take Home Team
This team teaches product knowledge classes to future professionals. We stock shelves, color bar, wash house and floor carts.

Green Team
This team focuses on the schools carbon footprint. They organize the recycling bins and drop the items off at the dump once a week.

Phase Two
This is the honors program, we have less time to perform service, charge more, and have special classes. Phase two members can also wear black and white.

Blogging Team
Last but not least, the blogging team we are an admissions tool to recruit prospective future Professionals. We write a blog every Wednesday about our experiences at the school to inform people about what its like to be a future professional here.

Here are the Two events ill be telling you about next week!
Langely Fashion Show
DC Fashion Week

Thursday, February 4, 2010

All About Ella!

This past week I sat down with my friend Gabriella Lopez. Ella is a graduate of Paul Mitchell The School Virginia, and I wanted to ask her a few questions about her experience at PMTS and what her next steps are as a graduate.

Q: What made you decide to persue cosmetology and enroll in Paul Mitchell the School Virginia?

Ella: Well I started pursuing Nursing but I really wasn’t feeling it. I'm a really creative person and I knew I wanted to do something with my hands, also being a girly girl I sort of gravitated toward hair. When I found PMTS Virginia I toured, felt its was perfect for me, and enrolled!

Q: What do you think you learned the most At PMTS Virginia?

Ella: Definitely good communication skills! There nothing that can make a haircut go more wrong than not understanding what your client wants. Communication is what's going to keep your clients happy and coming back to you.
Q: What is your favorite thing about Paul Mitchell?

Ella: The culture! The culture of Paul Mitchell is what keeps the staff and clients happy!

Q: What kept you motivated while in school?

Ella: Being able to learn hands on. It helped me visualize the end goal and what I was going to be doing for the rest of my life!

Q: Are you the coolest person ever?

Ella: Yes I am!

Q: If you could go back knowing what you know now and give yourself advice when you started what would it be?


Q: What are your goals now that’s you've graduated?

Ella: To get behind the chair and get busy!

Q: What are you doing to find a job now that you've graduated?

Ella: Looking everywhere and just getting my name out.

Q: Any last advice for prospective future professionals?

Ella: Check it out! Its an awesome place!

Thursday, January 28, 2010

Call me Carrot Top!

So this past Tuesday was student service day and this time I got my hair done!

Here's my before picture:

This is what we did! My friend Edgar and my favorite learning leader Erica did a platinum card which is when you bleach the entire head evenly. Once that was done my best friend ever, Bobbi, applied a basic color of 7OR + 8RO with 6 red color shots, then a clear PM Shines with 6 red color shots.

This is my after picture:

I love it oh so very much! I would just like to thank Edgar, Erica, and Bobbi for my awesome hair!

Thursday, January 7, 2010

The Best Visionary I Know

My high school marketing teacher used to always say that the key to success is surrounding yourself with successful people. That’s exactly what I planned to do when I started Paul Mitchell. I wanted to surround myself with people who has the same positive goals, work ethic, and good attitude as me. This weeks blog is about my best friend who I met at Paul Mitchell, Bobbi Timms.

When I hear the name Bobbi, the first word that comes to mind is visionary. A visionary is a person who always says yes, goes above and beyond, is always striving to do better, and always helping others. Bobbi is motivated, hardworking, and an amazing future professional. Every morning he makes sure that towels are washed, dried, folded, and distributed in the wash house and Phase Two area. Then, he makes sure the wash house is clean and all shampoos and conditioners are stocked. Bobbi is a key participant in the school as a member of take home team, be nice or else team, Design team, and student council. Bobbi has never missed a day of school and is always early. He is always encouraging to the other future professionals and says yes to every opportunity that presents itself.