Thursday, April 1, 2010

So many events!!!

So I have had so many events going on the past few weeks I couldn't write my blog : ( but now I'm back and ready to let you guys know what's been going on at school!

Princess Night!
princess night is when moms and their little ones come for a night of royalty and glitter! for $10 little princesses get a manicure, make up, an up do fit for a queen, and a photo with Cinderella (Kelly from admissions). it was a crazy night filled with cranky 4 year-olds and impatient mothers but we raised over $2600 for our charities! Style Wars!
the biggest fundraiser of the year is coming up! style wars! it’s a huge fashion show and raffle for future professionals and the public! this years theme is Tim Burrton's Alice in Wonderland! I decided to do my model inspired by the riddle the mad hatter repeats to Alice multiple time throughout the movie, Why is a Raven like a Writing desk. Ill post pictures up next week!

Phase Two field trip!
This past Thursday our phase two team took a field trip in Corcoran, an art museum and school in Washington DC. Our objective was to find an art piece, and create a block color or creative cut inspired by the art piece. after the museum we walked to the Washington monument and took silly pictures, and there was even a foot race to the monument!

March Graduation
So Geneva and I were in church of the March Graduation which was 1940's pin up. But, Geneva had graduated before the actual graduation so there was little me in charge! Not only did I need to get the stylist and models organize, but decorations needed to be put up, food had to be set out, programs needed to be printed, and to top all of that off, I was a stylist for my teacher, Erica AND a model. It was super stressful but the graduation was a hit! All the models looked beautiful and everything went fairly smoothly. Everyone said it was the best one yet!